#138 I18n
Internationalization is one of the biggest additions in Rails 2.2. See how the basics work in this episode.
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There is a newer version of this episode, see the revised episode.
<p> <%= f.label :language, "Language" %><br /> <%= f.select :language, [['English', 'en'], ['Wookieespeak', 'wk']] %> </p>
<% title t('welcome.title') %> <p><%= t 'welcome.paragraph' %></p> <h2><%= t 'products.title' %></h2> <% for product in @products %> <h3> <%= link_to h(product.name), product %> <%= number_to_currency(product.price) %> </h3> <div class="date_released"> <em><%= t 'products.released' %>: <%= product.created_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %></em> </div> <% end %>
flash[:notice] = t('flash.login')
before_filter :set_user_language def set_user_language I18n.locale = current_user.language if logged_in? end
en: welcome: title: "Welcome" paragraph: "Thank you for visiting our store. Please browse through the products below and buy some stuff. You'll love the unique quality and workmanship put into these items." products: title: "Products" released: "Released" flash: login: "Logged in successfully."
wk: welcome: title: "Wyah" paragraph: "Wyaaaaaa. Ruh ruh. Huwaa muaa mumwa. Wyogg, ur oh. Wua ga ma uma ahuma ooma. Ruh gwyaaaag. Youw." products: title: "Mauhwaa" released: "Ruhhha" flash: login: "Wohooohaaa" number: format: precision: 3 separator: '|' delimiter: '-' currency: format: unit: '$' precision: 2 format: '%u%n'