Sunspot makes it easy to do full text searching through Solr. Here I show how to search on various attributes and add facets for filtering the search further.
PostgreSQL Schemas can help create a multi-tenant app by keeping data separate at the database layer. Integrating with migrations can be tricky though, so watch this episode for the full details.
(11 minutes)
Ransack allows you to easily build complex search forms. It also helps in adding sortable links and building a dynamic advanced search page.
(10 minutes)
Here I show a variety of ways to rewrite a long SQL query using only Active Record and Arel. This includes generating scopes dynamically, adding an "or" operator, and adding a powerful "match" method.
(15 minutes)
Postgres offers full-text searching right out of the box. This episode shows how to write queries from scratch, apply tools like Texticle and pg_search, and optimize performance through indexes.
(16 minutes)