Allow users to import records into the database by uploading a CSV or Excel document. Here I show how to use Roo to parse these files and present a solution for validations.
Memcached is an excellent cache store, and Dalli is the best way to interact with it through Ruby. Here I show various ways to use Memcached in a Rails app including how to set it up in production.
(12 minutes)
Here I will demonstrate creating two template handlers. One for Ruby which is great for JSON or CSV formats. Another for interpreting Markdown which is useful for informational content.
(12 minutes)
JRuby is a polished and stable Ruby implementation. Here I show the basics of setting it up and executing Java from within Ruby. I also see how it compares with MRI at running threads.
(10 minutes)
It is important to protect a user's private information with HTTPS. Here you will learn how to get it working on your local machine, configure Rack SSL, install certificates for production, and more.
(14 minutes)