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arnaud sellenet's Profile

GitHub User: demental

Comments by arnaud sellenet


I'm stuck too with a similar issue : any gem added to Gemfile seems to not to be found by the application once deployed. This results in classes not found by autoload:

I, [2012-06-20T18:48:51.712022 #17056] INFO -- : worker=3 spawning...
I, [2012-06-20T18:48:51.723871 #15773] INFO -- : worker=3 spawned pid=15773
I, [2012-06-20T18:48:51.731071 #15773] INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list
E, [2012-06-20T18:48:51.868403 #15761] ERROR -- : uninitialized constant Refinery::Blog (NameError)
/home/deploy/apps/s2w_refinery/releases/20120620163007/config/initializers/refinery/blog.rb:1:in `'