If you want a multi-domain solution, I think you'd do that configuration in your front-end web-server/proxy, configuring nginx/apache to handle multiple vhosts.
Every time I've tried Devise, I've run into some sort of use-case that it doesn't handle. My typical workflow was to waste lots of time trying to configure Devise to fit my app, then rip it out.
Now I do authentication from scratch every time.
For me, lower-level abstractions like 'has_secure_password' work perfectly. Devise not so much.
Taps looks interesting, but complicated. The yaml_db gem looks like a simple way to backup and restore data. Does anyone have any experience using yaml_db to migrate from sqlite to PG?
Well I'll answer my own question. :-) I dug into Puppet last week - the tools it has for creating users, installing packages configuring systems etc would take a lot of time to rebuild from scratch in Capistrano. So I've become a Puppet user & believe its worth the time to learn. But this is a complicated tool, and it still seems like there is a need for a simpler deploy tool than Chef or Puppet.
Sometimes Chef just seems so heavy. Using Capistrano for provisioning would means one less tool to learn...
What problems does Chef solve that can't be addressed by Ryan's Capistrano approach? I know chef is good for large deployments, but for small/medium sized systems this Capistrano approach seems great.
Does anyone have any tips for testing generators?? It looks to me like test/unit has some helper methods for testing generators, but I haven't been able to find any references or tutorials.
I'd like to see more episodes on Backbone - like:
- handling associations between models in a Backbone app
- caching data using localStorage
- using multiple view objects and multiple routers
- appCache and Backbone
- testing with Jasmine and Sinon
Backbone is more mature - there are lots of online videos, blog posts, and example apps for BB - not so much for Ember. Right now Ember also lacks support for routing and persistence.
Looks like MetaWhere isn't compatible with Rails3.1. Is there another gem like MetaWhere that works with 3.1? There is Squeel, but it uses a funky syntax, and I'd rather stick with something with a syntax that somewhat resembles standard Ruby & Arel.
For testing I use rspec, spork, guard, guard-spork, capybara, capybara-webkit, database-cleaner, factory-girl, vcr, aruba, rcov, jasmine, and jasmine-rails. And there are lots of other tools that I could be using (cucumber, mocha, etc. etc.)
To me it feels like the world of Rails testing is out of control. This kind of complexity is why I left Java!!
To get the ball rolling - here are some example gists that show how to do 'remember me' and 'redirect to target page'.
'remember me' sets a cookie. if the person kills the browser, then opens a new session and returns to the page, the user will be auto logged in. cookie times out in 100 hours.
'redirect to target page' sets the referring URL in the protected controller (using authenticate_member!). then after the person logs in, they are redirected to the page they wanted.
Using this screencast, I was able to get rid of Devise in about 20 minutes. THANKS!!
I think a lot of people would benefit from a screencast that shows 'advanced' authentication options like: remember me, forgot password, session timeouts, email registrations confirmations, ...
I need the same thing!
+1 for Teaspoon - just a great tool for testing JavaScript - kudos to @Jeremy.
This worked for me...
On Rails4, this didn't work for me in
:but this did work:
Another option is X-editable. It offers similar functionality, but uses Bootstrap/JqueryUI/Jquery elements. Really works fantastic in my Bootstrap UI.
If you want a multi-domain solution, I think you'd do that configuration in your front-end web-server/proxy, configuring nginx/apache to handle multiple vhosts.
+1 for tests
Can anyone describe how FnordMetric compares/contrasts to graphite-statsd??
Is unicorn compatible with jruby ??
+1 for coverage of the Rails OOP movement & how to achieve fast tests
Wow - supervisors. There's Erlang in my Ruby! I'd like to learn more about Celluloid.
+1 - this would be very useful
Every time I've tried Devise, I've run into some sort of use-case that it doesn't handle. My typical workflow was to waste lots of time trying to configure Devise to fit my app, then rip it out.
Now I do authentication from scratch every time.
For me, lower-level abstractions like 'has_secure_password' work perfectly. Devise not so much.
+1 for axlsx cast
Thanks for the valkyrie tip - I've started using it - super fast and simple.
Does anyone know a good technique for auto-generating API documentation?
Taps looks interesting, but complicated. The yaml_db gem looks like a simple way to backup and restore data. Does anyone have any experience using yaml_db to migrate from sqlite to PG?
Vagrant-Snap is an add-on for taking disk snapshots. Very fast and simple to use - much faster than rebuilding machines from scratch.
Chris you could set up Vagrant / Virtual box, which would give you the flexibility to test different OS versions.
Well I'll answer my own question. :-) I dug into Puppet last week - the tools it has for creating users, installing packages configuring systems etc would take a lot of time to rebuild from scratch in Capistrano. So I've become a Puppet user & believe its worth the time to learn. But this is a complicated tool, and it still seems like there is a need for a simpler deploy tool than Chef or Puppet.
Sometimes Chef just seems so heavy. Using Capistrano for provisioning would means one less tool to learn...
What problems does Chef solve that can't be addressed by Ryan's Capistrano approach? I know chef is good for large deployments, but for small/medium sized systems this Capistrano approach seems great.
Is Refinery compatible with Twitter Bootstrap?
Also - can anyone explain how hook_for is supposed to work?
Does anyone have any tips for testing generators?? It looks to me like test/unit has some helper methods for testing generators, but I haven't been able to find any references or tutorials.
+1 for Backbone/Rails/Twitter bootstrap - very cool
re: Coffeescript/Backbone/Datatables - you might want to check out Slickback - a plugin that integrates Backbone and Slickgrid.
What a great episode - thank you !!
I'd like to see more episodes on Backbone - like:
- handling associations between models in a Backbone app
- caching data using localStorage
- using multiple view objects and multiple routers
- appCache and Backbone
- testing with Jasmine and Sinon
Here is a series of articles on testing BackBone apps.
Backbone is more mature - there are lots of online videos, blog posts, and example apps for BB - not so much for Ember. Right now Ember also lacks support for routing and persistence.
Angular.js is also interesting...
Derick Bailey also has a great list of resources with lots of books, blogs and videos.
Backbone and Rails is an awesome combination! Glad to see Backbone here on RailsCasts.
Another gem worth reviewing is backbone-rails. (https://github.com/codebrew/backbone-rails)
The scaffold generator of backbone-rails creates ready-to-run routers/models/collections/views/templates.
Is jBuilder similar to RABL? (I think it is...) If so - what are the pros/cons of jBuilder vs RABL?
I for one would be interested in learning how to handle inbound faxes. :-)
Austin - look at this page
See "Integration with Rspec"...
+1 for chef-solo or puppet
Does Passenger support http streaming in Rails3.1 ??
I'm curious: why the preference for h.content_tag, instead of a little snippet of HTML ?? Is there a reason, aside from aesthetics?
Draper describes itself as a Decorator. Can anyone explain the difference between a Presenter object and a Decorator object??
Looks like MetaWhere isn't compatible with Rails3.1. Is there another gem like MetaWhere that works with 3.1? There is Squeel, but it uses a funky syntax, and I'd rather stick with something with a syntax that somewhat resembles standard Ruby & Arel.
For testing I use rspec, spork, guard, guard-spork, capybara, capybara-webkit, database-cleaner, factory-girl, vcr, aruba, rcov, jasmine, and jasmine-rails. And there are lots of other tools that I could be using (cucumber, mocha, etc. etc.)
To me it feels like the world of Rails testing is out of control. This kind of complexity is why I left Java!!
Also have a look at VCR - a great testing tool for recording and playing back http interactions.
Here's another way to work with Google Maps: jquery-ui-map - a jQuery plugin.
To get the ball rolling - here are some example gists that show how to do 'remember me' and 'redirect to target page'.
'remember me' sets a cookie. if the person kills the browser, then opens a new session and returns to the page, the user will be auto logged in. cookie times out in 100 hours.
'redirect to target page' sets the referring URL in the protected controller (using authenticate_member!). then after the person logs in, they are redirected to the page they wanted.
Login Form: https://gist.github.com/1032488
Sessions Controller: https://gist.github.com/1032490
Application Controller: https://gist.github.com/1032492
Using this screencast, I was able to get rid of Devise in about 20 minutes. THANKS!!
I think a lot of people would benefit from a screencast that shows 'advanced' authentication options like: remember me, forgot password, session timeouts, email registrations confirmations, ...
Is there an automated way to convert from javascript to coffeescript??
Does anyone know of a way to 'hyperlink' from an rspec failure message to the correct file & line number in vim ??