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GitHub User: bwillis
RABL works well with versioncake and it allows you to avoid duplicating your controller logic-it's mentioned in the related library section: https://github.com/nesquena/rabl#related-libraries
We forked this railscast project and re-implemented it using the versioncake gem. Any comments would be appreciated!
We are working with a similar approach. I agree that ideally we should focus on payload changes. Check out the versioncake gem: https://github.com/bwillis/versioncake
RABL works well with versioncake and it allows you to avoid duplicating your controller logic-it's mentioned in the related library section: https://github.com/nesquena/rabl#related-libraries
We forked this railscast project and re-implemented it using the versioncake gem. Any comments would be appreciated!
We are working with a similar approach. I agree that ideally we should focus on payload changes. Check out the versioncake gem: https://github.com/bwillis/versioncake